Singleton Evolution

9 Ways to Implement
Singleton Pattern

Although he is one of the most controversial Design Patterns, I found it REALLY FUN to explore this issue what lead me to apply 9 different ways to implement this pattern. Credit goes to my AWESOME lecturer Kobi Shasha, from whom I draw a lot of inspiration. Let's Begin!


Lazy Singleton,
Not a Thread Safe

Compared to Eager Singleton, instead of generating a "new object" in the field, we will initialize the field value to null.
This way, "new object" will be created only by demand.
The instance will be created within the "getter" method only once, at the first time an external entity outside of this specific class requires it.

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Lazy Singleton,
Thread Safe But Not Efficient

In order to avoid situations when multiple threads in a single program try to access the same resource at the same time we can use synchronized static method.
This approach isn't the best practice since the performance of the system can degrade due to the slow working of the synchronized keyword.

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More Efficient, BUT Not Thread Safe The Double Lock Problem

In attempt to make the previous implementation efficient, we will add a synchronized block inside the getter method, i.e. only in the critical section - where the "new" object is created.
Which supposedly improves the performance because the synchronization is only on the critical part, but this Singleton isn't thread safe and known as The Double Lock Problem.

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Lazy Singleton,
Thread Safe With Double Lock Solve

To solve the double lock problem we encountered in the previous implementation, and to ensure our Singleton is a thread safe, we will perform another check to make sure the instance is null - inside the block we created.
This way we will get a Singleton which is both, more efficient and a thread safe.

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Thread Safe With Double Lock Solve And Volatile

Another way to implement Multithreaded Singleton, is by using Volatile modifier that provides a way to control memory order.
By using Volatile, we ensure a couple of rules for consistent behavior:
Mutual Exclusion – only one thread executes a critical section at a time.
Visibility – changes made by one thread to the shared data are visible to other threads to maintain data consistency.

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Eager Singleton, Ultimate Efficient, Thread Safe, with Final Attribute, Immutable

The fact that the field is "static" and initialized as a "new object" means that he will be loaded in the very first steps of the program loading - what makes him eager.
Constructor must be private.
Getter must be public because that's the only way to get the instance outside of that particular class.

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Nice Lazy And Thread Safe With Holder Design Pattern

The JVM defers initializing the MySingleton class until it is actually used, and because the Singleton is initialized with a static initializer, no additional synchronization is needed.

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Singleton Enum

Since enums are inherently serializable, we don't need to implement it with a serializable interface. Therefore, it is 100% guaranteed that only one instance of the singleton is present within a JVM.

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Singleton By Default
Spring Framework

In Spring, we can create singleton by making use of Spring's singleton beans or by implementing the singleton design pattern ourselves.
Just use Spring Framework project, by default, all Spring beans are Singletons.

Go to Spring Initializer site

Eager Loading vs. Lazy Loading

In the terms of which type of loading works best, it all depends on your individual needs.

when singleton is
  • Eager loading ensures that your site and all its related assets load at once.
  • If you have lightweight assets or fast queries, eager loading can be a good option because it can save time by not having to execute additional SQL queries.
when singleton is
  • Lazy loading offers a range of perks such as reduced requests, quicker load time, less resources, and bandwidth conservation.
  • This is especially helpful if you have a lot of photos on a page or an article that contains several photos.

Colleagues Recommendations

See what former colleagues think about me

I worked with Chelly in order to promote collaborations for she codes;. She is a hard worker and very dedicated. I believe that she will be a huge asset for any organization.

- Danna Nave,
Program Manager, Lecturer, Consultant & Mentor

Chelly is an enthusiatic team member who contributes excellent content to our branch meetings. It is a pleasure to have her with us and she will be an asset wherever she goes.

- Ruth Binstock,
Branch Manager at she codes; and Analytical Chemist

Chelly's lecture was delivered brilliantly. It helped kindle a renewed enthusiasm for our team goals.

- Noa Lorber-Huss,
Cloud Sourcer at Google

Chelly gave a tech lecture at Soluto branch which I manage. She naturally kept the audience of about 30 members active and attentive, while explaining the material clearly and thoroughly. Chelly is easy to communicate with, knowledgeable and serious. It was great having her as a lecturer.

- Inbal Droval,
Branch Manager at she codes; Graphic Designer and Software Developer

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